Sunday, May 1, 2011

Friends are bad now?

So its been awhile since i last blogged, and this time im kinda in a funk where its like i just dont get it.

So see anything wrong with this? Well to a few people having that many friends on Youtube is bad, but i dont see it like it that, i just see it as social networking and nothing wrong with that.

Recently ive did something i really shouldnt of done, When your friends with people you shouldnt automaticly jump the gun and assume stuff like ive done, and it cost me a good friendship with Ember Isolte after some comments on the twitterz regarding something that i just wasnt involved in and me being the retaraded fuck wit that i am, auto jump the gun assuming something that wasnt even true or even heard the story.

So on my part, im a complete and udder fool of a asshole for jumping the gun on it and Saying "Looks like Embers going to War"

From her POV i see wheres shes coming from, i get involved with stuff that doesnt concern me, i friend too many people on youtube and im sub'd to too many people, Does it really even matter? again to some it does cause it shows your nothing but a trouble seeking attention seeker.....SO HOW THE FUCK DOES IT LEAD TO THAT?????

I will never understand some people, i cant understand em nor will i ever. If someone explains it to me in a clam manor, then i guess i will get it

Guess its a big mystery of a life deal with me.


1 comment:

  1. Dear James "Romire",
    There is never a good way to discribe what happens in the human brain when something like this happens. And you sir, are a very friendly person, that is why you are subscribed to so many and befriended so many people on YouTube, Twitter, etc. The only way someone can see you as an attention seeker is by how they grew up thinking, and by how they think, it shows in stuff like this, the issues that go on in your life. The best and worst thing you can do it either ignore it and go about your business and try to stay out of theirs, even if you mean well, or you can let it get to you and let it bug you and let things get off track like they have been.
    This is the best and worst answer I can give you.
    ~Heather "Pumunkee"
